Release Notes - openSEEK - Version 1.2.0
New Feature
- [OPSK-827] - Allow installations to disable permission summary pop-up
- [OPSK-849] - Feature request: Accept sftp links
- [OPSK-872] - Default license for a project
- [OPSK-917] - Delete extracted samples when deleting a datafile
- [OPSK-928] - Interlinking between sample types
- [OPSK-940] - Generation of excel template for sample type
- [OPSK-966] - Tags for samples types
- [OPSK-978] - Sample types only editable by project members
- [OPSK-995] - Show an overview of data usage for programme/project on admin apge
- [OPSK-725] - Handle sample type attribute name clashes
- [OPSK-795] - Organisation of seed data
- [OPSK-840] - Description for Sample Type
- [OPSK-841] - SampleType can_edit? and can_destroy?
- [OPSK-843] - Provide citation suggestion for assets and snapshots
- [OPSK-855] - Support for arbitrary URL schemes for remote files
- [OPSK-918] - Redefine the sample title field
- [OPSK-921] - update the project browser to use jstree instead of yui
- [OPSK-924] - Sample dropdown menus aren't bootstrapped
- [OPSK-937] - Create an enumerator for sample attribute base types
- [OPSK-951] - Index DOIs in Solr so the related thing is found when searched for
- [OPSK-960] - Authorization improvements
- [OPSK-975] - Don't show "Extract Samples" whilst pending
- [OPSK-976] - Create Sample button on Sample Type
- [OPSK-977] - Sample Type - pending template generation box
- [OPSK-1000] - Allow a sample type to link to its own type
- [OPSK-1001] - Investigate filtering search by project id as params
- [OPSK-1004] - Sample / Sample type should be favouritable
- [OPSK-1007] - Add URI attribute type
- [OPSK-1017] - Model.find_each preferred over Model.all.each
- [OPSK-1028] - Docker - split off delayedjob for docker compose
- [OPSK-1031] - SampleDataExtractionJob should just be able to take the data file id
- [OPSK-1032] - Provide some descriptive text for attribute types
- [OPSK-1047] - Samples extracted from a template should be none editable
- [OPSK-1055] - Sample extraction should recognise sheet with 'sample' in the name
- [OPSK-1056] - Projects selector broken on "Use spreadsheet template" tab of new sample type form
- [OPSK-622] - Deprecation of old sample data & models
- [OPSK-628] - Custom Sample Type Definitions
- [OPSK-636] - Assay updated for new Sample framework
- [OPSK-712] - Create Sample Type from Spreadsheet
- [OPSK-713] - Populate samples from template spreadsheet
- [OPSK-691] - Associating samples with projects
- [OPSK-692] - Sample authorization
- [OPSK-693] - Sample resource list items, and related to
- [OPSK-697] - Indexing of Samples for search
- [OPSK-706] - Prevent sample types being changed after they have been used
- [OPSK-708] - Sample#title as an attribute
- [OPSK-730] - Samples framework work loose ends
- [OPSK-745] - Ability to turn samples on and off
- [OPSK-781] - SEEK Strain ID attribute type
- [OPSK-782] - Boolean sample attribute type
- [OPSK-783] - Add sample attribute types to seed data
- [OPSK-784] - Simpler way of handling accessor_name
- [OPSK-785] - Sample code reviewing and cleaning and documenting
- [OPSK-787] - Extract samples from template as a background job
- [OPSK-808] - Remove the Deprecated sample models
- [OPSK-821] - Add attribute type seed data to upgrade task
- [OPSK-830] - Upgrade task to add the sample attribute seed data
- [OPSK-856] - SEEK4Science website needs new logo, and favicon
- [OPSK-896] - Also show the number of all assets
- [OPSK-915] - Resurrect Project Browser / Organiser
- [OPSK-947] - Document docker
- [OPSK-971] - Check if old samples related configs are needed
- [OPSK-988] - Sample type selector for SEEK Sample, group by project
- [OPSK-989] - Improve resource list item for sample type
- [OPSK-990] - highlight title field in sample type view
- [OPSK-991] - Remove text pointing to biostars forum
- [OPSK-1014] - Sample type needs a better icon
- [OPSK-1019] - Rake task to get the old samples & cell cultures
- [OPSK-1027] - SEEK 1.2 release notes
- [OPSK-1045] - Remove index view for samples
- [OPSK-1046] - Extracted samples should always inheritic permissions from data file
- [OPSK-1065] - Selected Strain not set when editing a sample
- [OPSK-1066] - Prevent a new data file version ability being available if samples have been extracted
- [OPSK-623] - rename Sample -> DeprecatedSamples
- [OPSK-624] - rename Specimen -> DeprecatedSpecimens
- [OPSK-625] - rename SampleAsset -> DeprecatedSampleAssets
- [OPSK-626] - rename SopSpecimen -> DeprecatedSpecimenSop
- [OPSK-627] - rename Treatment -> DeprecatedTreatments
- [OPSK-629] - Create bare Sample model
- [OPSK-630] - Create SampleType model
- [OPSK-631] - Ability to define sample type for a sample and store values
- [OPSK-632] - A pre-defined list of supported attribute types
- [OPSK-633] - Page for defining sample types
- [OPSK-634] - Simple page for adding a new Sample
- [OPSK-635] - Add support for required fields
- [OPSK-637] - Define 0 or more incoming samples
- [OPSK-638] - Define 0 or more “outgoing” samples
- [OPSK-641] - Remove Biosamples browser
- [OPSK-642] - Remove biosamples_enabled config
- [OPSK-644] - Remove Sample & Specimen views and controllers
- [OPSK-663] - Remove Biosample search fields
- [OPSK-685] - Support units for sample attribute
- [OPSK-686] - Support for controlled vocabulary sample attribute type
- [OPSK-705] - Index page for sample types
- [OPSK-714] - Ability to upload a spreadsheet and associate with a new sample type
- [OPSK-715] - Defined sample type attributes from columns in spreadsheet
- [OPSK-716] - Submit new sample type for template
- [OPSK-717] - After uploading data file, identify whether it matches a sample type
- [OPSK-718] - Provide option to extract samples
- [OPSK-719] - Handle problematic sample entries
- [OPSK-720] - Ability to download template associated with a sample type
- [OPSK-724] - SampleAttributes not destroyed when SampleType is
- [OPSK-731] - Samples in Browse Menu
- [OPSK-732] - Add Sample Type to Create Menu
- [OPSK-733] - Creating sample type manually or from template in separate tabs
- [OPSK-734] - Sample Type is missing required * next to title
- [OPSK-735] - Hide Add Attribute button when defining from a template
- [OPSK-736] - Javascript for title constraints in sample type form
- [OPSK-737] - Put extract samples button in proper menu
- [OPSK-738] - Add confirmation step, and select sample type if > 1, when extracting samples
- [OPSK-739] - Summary of extracted samples after extraction
- [OPSK-740] - Show samples linked to Data File
- [OPSK-741] - Show originating data file for sample
- [OPSK-742] - Add a attribute type for Date (in addition to date time)
- [OPSK-744] - Dependant destroy for sampe_type#content_blob
- [OPSK-746] - Authorise the sample extraction action
- [OPSK-748] - Integers should be accepted as a valid Float
- [OPSK-749] - Show page for Sample Type
- [OPSK-750] - Searchable sample types
- [OPSK-751] - Better error reporting for uploading a none valid template
- [OPSK-752] - Default attribute type to String when creating sample type
- [OPSK-753] - Weblink types should be shown as a link
- [OPSK-754] - Sample type link from sample page can now go to sample type show page
- [OPSK-755] - Table view for samples under a data file/sample type
- [OPSK-780] - Update ISA graph to show inputs and outputs rather than just links
- [OPSK-929] - Define Sample Type attribute type
- [OPSK-930] - Allow selection of Sample Type attribute type, along with sample type in the form
- [OPSK-931] - Allow selection of sample when creating a sample linked to a sample type
- [OPSK-932] - Prevent a sample type being deleted when used as an interlinked sample type
- [OPSK-933] - Handle samples defined in a spreadsheet
- [OPSK-934] - Display sample as a link when showing parent sample
- [OPSK-935] - Include interlinked sample in related items list
- [OPSK-939] - Show the sample type in attributes for SEEK Sample
- [OPSK-941] - Small java apache poi library to generate spreadsheet
- [OPSK-942] - Generate spreadsheet include CV data validations
- [OPSK-943] - Include sample and strain list as a dropdown
- [OPSK-944] - Determine when the template needs regenerating
- [OPSK-945] - Bundle up as a ruby gem and integrate with SEEK
- [OPSK-946] - Concider whether the template could be generated as a back ground process
- [OPSK-961] - More efficient auth lookup refresh
- [OPSK-962] - Re-structure "is_authorized?" method
- [OPSK-968] - Cluster sample types by tag
- [OPSK-747] - Can extract samples multiple times
- [OPSK-758] - "Remove" sample attribute broken
- [OPSK-792] - Replace tooltip plugin with more modern one
- [OPSK-809] - Sample extraction fails if no matching samples
- [OPSK-819] - Title of sample not linked for source datafile
- [OPSK-822] - Floats ending in 0 are not accepted in samples extraction
- [OPSK-825] - References to Specimens still appear in assets_creators
- [OPSK-826] - Samples and SampleType are not correctly using the grouped pagination
- [OPSK-829] - SampleTypes must be paginated
- [OPSK-833] - Cytoscape visualisation
- [OPSK-851] - Split up contributors and creators
- [OPSK-853] - XSS on sample type show page
- [OPSK-862] - First user is no longer added to the default project and institution
- [OPSK-882] - Check and Fix Gemfile env seperation
- [OPSK-886] - there is an extra 'add' icon at admin avatar, when it is the contributor of an asset
- [OPSK-887] - New study but on edit page
- [OPSK-888] - db:setup shows the entries seeded in the log, but no entries in database
- [OPSK-894] - file_path points to the filestore/tmp/image_assets/
- [OPSK-895] - when 'view content', it is counted as download, but not when 'explore'
- [OPSK-912] - On the sandboxed SEEK I can't create a strain (also problem on test SEEK)
- [OPSK-914] - Error when clicking link to a scale
- [OPSK-926] - Samples creators always 'None' in resource list item
- [OPSK-927] - Samples are not included in person related items
- [OPSK-938] - Asset Creator not behaving correctly for sample
- [OPSK-949] - Problem with creators box
- [OPSK-957] - XSS in JStree
- [OPSK-964] - inconsistent writing of SOP/sop
- [OPSK-969] - Associate sample type with a project
- [OPSK-970] - Document samples
- [OPSK-992] - Match all tags option for sample type selection not working as expected
- [OPSK-998] - auth lookup task seems to be not triggered when removing a permission
- [OPSK-999] - search turned off after an upgrade 1.1 -> 1.2
- [OPSK-1002] - Update message for why you can't delete a sample type
- [OPSK-1005] - Sample type edit - some drop downs become incorrectly visible
- [OPSK-1009] - Error generating sample template with a CV for apples
- [OPSK-1010] - Error when trying to change type from CV
- [OPSK-1011] - Sample Text attribute didn't like new line
- [OPSK-1015] - should only be able to delete sample type if a member of the project
- [OPSK-1016] - Limit sample type creation and editing to project administrators
- [OPSK-1042] - error when trying to create a sample type with project missing
- [OPSK-1043] - When Strain is not required, there is not a blank default option
- [OPSK-1044] - Strain linked to samples doesn't show samples as related items
- [OPSK-1050] - content_blob_id on SampleType is unused
- [OPSK-1071] - The Sample Type administer menu button always appears
- [OPSK-1072] - Error when creating sample with the title set to a SEEK entity
- [OPSK-1079] - Not clear how to edit controlled vocabulary