Release Notes - SEEK - Version 1.0.0
New Feature
- [OPSK-261] - Allow Research Object exporting
- [OPSK-283] - Improve registration workflow
- [OPSK-301] - Add concept of a Programme Manager
- [OPSK-305] - Allow project manager to define gatekeeper, pal, asset manager and other project managers
- [OPSK-409] - User can create a Programme
- [OPSK-410] - Programme Manager can create Projects
- [OPSK-411] - Creating a programme needs to be certified by an administrator
- [OPSK-413] - Ability to change the Programme adminstrator
- [OPSK-414] - Change asset manager role.
- [OPSK-415] - Change Project Manager to Project Adminstrator
- [OPSK-418] - Programme Administrator can edit Programmes they administer
- [OPSK-422] - Programmes enabled config on admin pages
- [OPSK-426] - Give programme_administrator, project administrator rights over the included projects
- [OPSK-427] - Set project admin, gatekeeper, asset manager, pal from project page
- [OPSK-428] - Automated testing of javascript
- [OPSK-462] - Ability to flag when somebody has left a project
- [OPSK-488] - ORCiD should be mandatory
- [OPSK-492] - Look at separating scheme from Seek::Config.site_base_host
- [OPSK-529] - Create an upgrade rake task to fetch and store remote content_blobs where appropriate
- [OPSK-534] - Support displaying presentations from slideshare
- [OPSK-565] - Show git checksum (if available)
- [OPSK-294] - background job for fetching feeds
- [OPSK-302] - Performance baseline for version 0.22
- [OPSK-303] - Performance metrics for 0.23
- [OPSK-304] - Scalability testing of authorization table generation
- [OPSK-357] - Imprint for other sites
- [OPSK-362] - update drupal on seek4science and rightfield, sysmo-db
- [OPSK-364] - look at cytoscape.js fix for multiple lines label
- [OPSK-378] - Remove explicit OpenID support
- [OPSK-394] - upgrade script: add waiting time btw solr start and workers start
- [OPSK-406] - update sysmo-db drupal
- [OPSK-420] - Control which programmes a project can be linked to
- [OPSK-433] - investigation why cpu usage on old and new server is very low
- [OPSK-434] - selenium test suite for fair-dom website
- [OPSK-439] - Associate a project with a programme from the project create and administer page
- [OPSK-440] - Don't add admin as default programme administrator
- [OPSK-485] - Allow project members to edit their project
- [OPSK-509] - Write up SynBioChem Sample scenarios
- [OPSK-517] - contact of hub gives BioVeL information
- [OPSK-520] - Hide and disable current biosamples
- [OPSK-531] - Associate url with SEEK developer github pages
- [OPSK-536] - Check Orcid ID non-optionality
- [OPSK-540] - Check the Organize / folders of a project
- [OPSK-549] - testing before V 1.0 release
- [OPSK-556] - selenium test for association box
- [OPSK-569] - Rename Asset Manager to Asset Housekeeper
- [OPSK-570] - Rename Gatekeeper to Asset Gatekeeper
- [OPSK-589] - Hide the person administration page
- [OPSK-590] - Check FAIRDOMHub funding dates
- [OPSK-591] - During upgrade some people gain the administrator role when they shouldn't
- [OPSK-148] - Bootstrap autocompleters
- [OPSK-202] - Restyle admin forms
- [OPSK-298] - Allow a project manager to add a new organsim and assign to their project
- [OPSK-369] - Rule for editing and deleting an organism
- [OPSK-385] - update registration page to include email field
- [OPSK-386] - Is this you? page
- [OPSK-387] - update new profile page to populate email
- [OPSK-388] - handle duplicate email
- [OPSK-389] - Update project selection for new profile
- [OPSK-390] - Notify admin and project managers
- [OPSK-398] - Tidy up people_controller #create and #new
- [OPSK-447] - Text is tiny in ISA graph view
- [OPSK-448] - Need to shut off Programme creation
- [OPSK-449] - one click publishing of investigation
- [OPSK-450] - Don't give option to generate DOI if disabled
- [OPSK-451] - DOI generation and minimum asset age for investigation DOI's
- [OPSK-453] - add checksum to RO snapshot
- [OPSK-455] - Check the url for the RO metadata
- [OPSK-456] - Email comparison should not be case sensitive during registration
- [OPSK-464] - Prompt to publish investigation when trying to make a snapshot
- [OPSK-502] - Creating a sample from an existing specimen doesn't work in Firefox
- [OPSK-76] - breadcrumbs on a workflow does not appear correctly
- [OPSK-290] - Help refers to SysMO
- [OPSK-320] - Request Timeout when simulating a big model
- [OPSK-393] - escape character does not work for isa graph after adding multi lines
- [OPSK-408] - soffice is not started when reboot the server
- [OPSK-419] - Programme administrator needs icon
- [OPSK-423] - Project Manager should be able to create a profile
- [OPSK-425] - New Profile ends up with blank ORCID url
- [OPSK-435] - preliminary selenium test suite for fairdomhub
- [OPSK-438] - Zenodo doesn't accept licenses from controlled vocabulary
- [OPSK-442] - Project administrator can edit profiles?
- [OPSK-443] - When removing people from a project, they remain with the admin roles
- [OPSK-452] - Error about crossref email when changing config
- [OPSK-454] - Events association, include from other projects, wrong way around
- [OPSK-460] - Programmes appear in search results when turned off
- [OPSK-467] - Institution form needs bootstrapping
- [OPSK-468] - Upload avatar page needs bootstrapping
- [OPSK-473] - seed the fresh database with list of annotation_attributes
- [OPSK-476] - SEEK downloads remote content
- [OPSK-477] - "Upload a copy?" checkbox doesn't do anything
- [OPSK-480] - in the typeahead text field, as the character is typed in, there are only 8 last typed characters displayed
- [OPSK-482] - Link to public dropbox file concidered invalid
- [OPSK-486] - Check email, some say from the Sysmo-db team
- [OPSK-487] - Error executing job for ReindexingJob
- [OPSK-491] - the description field of datafile does not get saved when creating a datafile
- [OPSK-493] - Remote URL needs to support FTP
- [OPSK-494] - Missing template errors/error_404, application/error_404
- [OPSK-496] - A NoMethodError occurred in specimens#new_object_based_on_existing_one
- [OPSK-497] - Restyle "forgot password" form
- [OPSK-505] - Clean up the roles code
- [OPSK-507] - Investigate error emails from reindexing & rdf generation jobs on SEEK server
- [OPSK-510] - Check new remote content code deals with unauthorized responses
- [OPSK-514] - Restyle "administer person" form
- [OPSK-516] - error when downloading a model, which partly file and partly link
- [OPSK-519] - Error in authjob background task for asset-manager
- [OPSK-521] - No longer possible to add people to multiple institutions in a project
- [OPSK-522] - After updating, all programmes are marked as not active
- [OPSK-524] - Formatting problem in signup email to administrators
- [OPSK-526] - In upload form, URL gets mangled when testing
- [OPSK-527] - Downloading of files > 100Mb get truncated
- [OPSK-530] - wrong display on remote file size limit, 95.4MB instead of 100MB
- [OPSK-532] - ISA Graph not showing correctly in FireFox
- [OPSK-533] - remove "show related data" buton from model page
- [OPSK-538] - Project administrator can edit institutions
- [OPSK-542] - Preview permissions needs updating for asset manager
- [OPSK-543] - XSS being invoked on assay creation page
- [OPSK-544] - Events / Assay selection broken on test server
- [OPSK-550] - when editing a programm avatar, get AssetNotPrecompiledError
- [OPSK-551] - missing programme administrator icon
- [OPSK-552] - the text on contributor list is not escaped
- [OPSK-553] - autocomplete input field on attribution gets doubled when choosing one item from the list
- [OPSK-555] - isa graph:the text on long title node is outside of the box
- [OPSK-557] - Associating something from another project doesn't work
- [OPSK-559] - Website links get downloaded
- [OPSK-560] - Ensure legacy content blobs have a filename or URL
- [OPSK-561] - Fix JERM templates referenced from help
- [OPSK-563] - Programme adminstrator not correctly cleared when deleting a programme
- [OPSK-568] - Validate programme website URL
- [OPSK-575] - isa graph disappears on safari
- [OPSK-580] - upgrade task to change jws online root url
- [OPSK-592] - Size limit configuration stored as Strings
- [OPSK-593] - Strange behaviour when registering slideshare URLs
- [OPSK-598] - Problem moving somebody between institutions in one transaction
- [OPSK-599] - Zenodo URL shows up on snapshot view when disabled
- [OPSK-600] - Export to Zenodo option is available when disabled
- [OPSK-163] - replace the box info from the front page by some auto-playing images
- [OPSK-231] - Fix confusion over roles
- [OPSK-241] - Update installation documentation
- [OPSK-267] - Implement user-defined organisms
- [OPSK-326] - Update OTHER DISTRIBUTIONS for SciLinux
- [OPSK-344] - Return to the related item when clicked the back button
- [OPSK-359] - make file extensions searchable
- [OPSK-417] - Add red star at projects association box, when creating an investigation
- [OPSK-458] - 'Drop here' for favourites, should say 'Drop below'
- [OPSK-489] - Make button/link feedback more prominent
- [OPSK-506] - Tidy up project adminstration page for adding members
- [OPSK-515] - Don't default to Afghanistan for the list of countries
- [OPSK-523] - Distinguish between the 2 types of roles
- [OPSK-535] - Reduce the list of organisms that can be assigned to things, to just those from the project
- [OPSK-537] - Ensure source of failure is correctly shown
- [OPSK-562] - List programme administrators on Programme page
- [OPSK-566] - If no people are in a project, say so on the project roles page
- [OPSK-567] - Allow external help
- [OPSK-578] - Add funding text
- [OPSK-582] - Allow programme administrator to create organisms
- [OPSK-583] - Better control over default project administrator whilst create a project
- [OPSK-585] - Tweak UI for adding an organism to a project
- [OPSK-586] - Allow programme administrator to remove themself from project
- [OPSK-587] - Tweak box_editing_inner colour in CSS
- [OPSK-594] - Add allow_user_programme_creation config to admin pages
- [OPSK-595] - Include content blob urls in search indexing.
- [OPSK-327] - even the url is registered in dns, disable it if it is not declared in any apache virtual host config
- [OPSK-436] - Resolve which creators get credited in Zenodo/Datacite/RO metadata
- [OPSK-437] - Publishing resources in Zenodo
- [OPSK-484] - Decide on a maximum size for remote files to be copied to SEEK
- [OPSK-513] - several files and folders have been added to fairdomhub repo